Oy...I sit here staring trying to think of some topic to write about. That was my first mistake instead of just writing I was thinking. But I don't really know if writing blogs are like writing poetry or short stories. Because usually I have a subject in mind and write the title first. Today, I started writing in the box just to see what would happen. This month is novel writing month and I have yet to do anything but the thing is. School has taken over everything without me even thinking about it. Also, I think in order to complete NoMo I need somebody like a Master Splinter to kick my ass and make me work harder. I try to train myself in my mind with breathing exercises and mediation, but that doesn't really work with being able to work hard. Looks like I found my subject. Anyhow, I am kind of mad that the people who set up NoMo don't realize that some people have school work and aren't able to complete a novel in a month. What's up with dat? I haven't writen a novel in a long time. I have given up on the idea of being a novelist, however the more I think about it the more I would like to write another one. I have a book of poetry out and I want a few more books of poetry to come out, then I would like for me to be able to produce a book of short stories. All the great writers do both. Maybe next November I will be able to participate in this novel writing.
Lately, I have been wanting to submit my short stories as well as my poetry. I think that will help me with my dream career of me being a writer by trade. DAMN YOU NoMo for putting those dreams back in my head. Why do I rant so much in these blogs? Soooo...maybe i should get to submitting and not talk about it. ON TO DUOTROPE


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