Writing an Addiction?

The First Signs 
         You know for a long time I sat at my computer feeling like udder shit. I hadn't written a poem or short story in such a long time. I felt like my life as a writer was disappearing as I knew it.  I thought maybe I had become clinically depressed. However, by most standards I didn't have all the symptoms. As the weeks went by my feelings got worse and worse. All I could focus on was school work, and while I enjoyed the very thought of doing Photoshop projects all day, I still wasn't feeling like myself. I was feeling like something wasn't right with me. This has happened many times before and then I thought maybe the weather has just got me feeling down. Nevertheless, I found myself the other day writing a page of a short story and all those feelings went away. When I was writing I felt a weird surge of energy rush through me and I can't explain it as anything else. But after I had written but a page, I felt happier than I had been in a while.

           During those days when I was feeling down on myself what I hadn't taken into consideration was the idea that I was going through a certain kind of mental withdraw. You see, as far as I am concerned I have an addiction to writing. I think writing or creativity of any sort  gives people the same kind of ecstasy as drugs.

            I started this out to be an essay but I think really it makes more sense that I continue it out as a blog post. Mostly, because ( I am being honest here) I think it's easier for me to just explains things in the way that i usually do rather than trying to explain things in an educated manner. Granted, I could possibly find some articles explain my thoughts but the truth is I am not sure i really want to go that deep into searching right now. You know really I think that creativity should be giving to those addicts at clinics because it does really give a euphoric sense. Maybe that would be some sort of placebo effect. But I really don't think that everybody finds pleasure in participating in creativity. This is a long ass blog isn't it? Well I guess I finally have a lot to say on a subject.

Okay so anyway since that day that I wrote that short story I once again felt down and out. Perhaps, it is the excess homework I am having to do.(This part isn't interesting I know but fuck it?) Then I found maybe 15 mins and continued that short story and I once again felt at ease. I really don't know how else to explain things.

This may or may not be the longest blog post I have posted.

Peace until next time 

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