So a funny thing happend to me on the way to the Wiltern

So yesterday I went to see a band. It was one of the best feelings I have ever had. The band is called Beach House. I saw them at a venue here in LA called The Wiltern. This was the first time that I had been to the Wiltern. It's somewhere in a semi bad neighborhood with people like to scream "NO" randomly.

Since this is the first time I am writing about my time at a concert this is going to be a very scatter blogged. But then again most of my blogs are scattered it's kinda the way I think.  Anyhow, there was a point in the concert that I didn't even feel like I was in a concert anymore. I felt as though I was on some sort of cloud that was dripping with an essence I really can't explain. When I opened my eyes it was like  Victoria Legrand(the lead singer of this marvelous band) had awoken me from my music induced drug like slumber. They managed to play every single one of my favorite songs including those off their latest album Bloom. If you haven't heard of them I suggest you give them a little listen. Below is a prime example of their greatness.(I do have video of the concert but it doesn't really help with explaining how great they are)

This is one of my favorite songs. This is great footage of what I couldn't capture last night.

The thing about me and music is that it affects me in ways a lot of people wouldn't understand. Beach House is a band that  affects first my soul,I listen to it and though they portray this dark undertone to their music it makes me feel at ease. She just grabs my soul and blows a gentle wind into the darkest reaches of it. This usually happens to me when I listen to the Baltimore duo at home. But in concert, up front close to the them it felt triple fold.  It then affects my body, it takes a lot to make me want to dance with music(mostly because I can't) but somehow someway Victoria and her boys just grabbed me and puppeteered my dancing throughout the concert.
 I enjoyed every moment of this show and it seemed like the crowd around me did too. I felt as though I was back in the 60s and the people around me were on acid. The girl next to me look like she literally was on acid(it could be that she was.) There were others around me dancing swaying to the Dream pop duo. The moment the show ended my life had taken a turn for the better

So with that I hope to do another one of these soon 


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