Doing this thing called Five Sentence Fiction

So, I am going to participate for a bit in this thing called five sentence fiction. Where you write just as it says. Five sentences as a story. This is my first time doing it. I got inspiration from my buddy Sopphey. While I am not seasoned in this kind of stuff. I figured I'd give it a try.  Plan on doing a few more.

So here it is:

She dances with his ghost. He doesn’t realize he’s dead. Her memory is broken. Not what he used to be. She smiles as he fades away.

I know this is a short blog but at least its a blog right? 

Until next time, 

Peace :) 


  1. Wonderful, Nathan. Glad you decided to jump into the FSF pool.

  2. I don't remember if I mentioned this already, but this is so strict, so straightforward. It's a very delicate memory indeed.

  3. One thing I find about poetry is you can take what would considered five choppy sentences, but them together, and wind up with a poem.

  4. I think there is much power in short, sharp sentences and you have achieved plenty here. I liked it. x

  5. I like this, in its short but sweet little story.
    McGuffy's Reader

  6. Sometimes you only need a few words to convey what's necessary, you did just that! I visualised her smiling at a fleeting memory...but as it's ambiguous it could lend to several interpretations, and that's the beauty of writing and reading!
