Novel Babies

Hi, so today on my blog it is sort of like one of those old variety shows you know the kind that has many acts? I guess i would be the host but yeah. So the bulk of this blog is done by my very good friend  Sopphey  Vance. Check her awesome blogging at Killer blog writing it is. Anyway, should tell you I got some killer writing done.

So now Sopphey Vance:

Writing a novel is a shit ton of work. First, writing a novel is like normal writing. Makes us crazy. It's like we're schizophrenic in a pseudo/voodoo logical way. We have all these characters jammed up our noses (eventually into our heads) and they're up in there jamming and causing havoc.

We convince ourselves that it'd be easier to sneeze if we wrote these characters into novels. Convinced of a fallacy because it's no easy feat! We strive for a meal, circling around like vultures, through the loops and indents of our minds. Strive for the perfect word sequence that will accurately portray the intensity of the novel's world.

We break down, freak out; throw every belief out the door. We hold fast to those twinkling glimpses of plot, the serenity of conflict, and the motivating will of our characters until we create a novel.

NA-man is making a novel. I'm making a novel. Are you ready to make a novel? Take the plunge! All it takes is a few words at a time. One scene leads to another. And, every time you think you'll never finish kick  yourself. Thinking those things will not help. Writing will help. There's no easy way to stay on-track when writing a novel. But, giving up is not an option.

Just gotta keep circling; keep circling. There's a glimmering thread waiting to guide you.

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