This Thursday in History

Okay, so this is weird I know but it has been suggested to me to try an editorial calendar to add some spice to my blog. I am trying to think of what I want the very first Thursday blog to be about.  I could talk about movies, I could talk about music, I could talk about poets, I could talk about books. Perhaps, there is a subject I could become an expert at just by researching. Why am i talking to this blog like it can respond? I don't know!!! I like the idea of adding some sort of historical day in literature maybe. That's it. It's been decided that Thursday is Literary History day.

Oh! what a day to start on. It is Edgar Lee Master's birthday. For those of you that don't know Edgar Lee Masters wrote a book called Spoon River Anthology.  I knew absolutely nothing about this  expect that it's an epic poem written in the 1920's.  However, with some research I found out a lot about this poem and it's author.

So here's the deal about this fellow he seems to have been inspired by a book called Epigrams from the Greek Anthology, which apparently was a collection of 4,000 poems. These poems inspired him to write his masterpiece Spoon River Anthology. His collection was about a bunch of dead people in the town of Spoon River. It kinda made me want to read it. I don't know about you.

So I think that's it for now.


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